Central SP Installation

There are two ways of installing the SP module. You can use the docker containers or compile it from the source.

Install from Docker Container

There are two docker containers - the Central SP and the Local SP. The Central SP is located at https://docker.ramp.eu/?page=1#!taglist/opil/opil.sw.sp.central

The Central SP docker

To install it you need to prepare a docker-compose.yml following this example:

version: "3"
        image: mongo:3.6
        command: --nojournal

    ### Proxy for Context Broker ###
        image: fiware/ngsiproxy:latest
            - 3000:3000

    ### Context Broker ###
        image: fiware/orion:2.3.0
            - mongo
            - ngsiproxy
            - 1026:1026
            -dbhost mongo -corsOrigin __ALL -inReqPayloadMaxSize 2097152
        restart: always
        image: docker.ramp.eu/opil/opil.sw.sp.central:3.1.3
            #- path on the host : path inside the container
            - /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix:rw
            #- path on the host : path inside the container
            - /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix:rw
            - ./annotations.ini:/annotations.ini:ro
            - ./floorplan.yaml:/map.yaml:ro
            - ./floorplan.png:/map.png:ro
            - ./topology.launch:/topology.launch:ro
            - FIWAREHOST=orion
            - HOST=sp
            - DISPLAY=$DISPLAY
            - "39002:39002"

This example uses the version 3 and it does not need links to enable services to communicate. It is assumed that for testing all services will be on the same machine (localhost). If orion is started on another machine, then environment variable of sp needs to have changed FIWAREHOST to IP address of that machine. Furthermore, HOST needs to be changed to IP address of the machine running the Central SP.

When using the Central SP on big floorplans the parameter inReqPayloadMaxSize can be set to increase the maximal allowed size of any outgoing request messages. Setting it to 2097152 Bytes (2MB) should be enough for an average map with 30% occupied space with dimensions 65 m x 35 m and the resolution of the topology cell_size = 1 m. This setup requires 1327391 Bytes, while, by decreasing the cell_size to 0.5, requires 6687765 Bytes (approximately 4 times more). Similar increase of message size happens if your map is increased two times in width and height, for example 130 m x 70 m, with the cell_size = 1 m will require 6682759 Bytes (also 4 times more).

First, set up the display for viewing the rviz visualization and Stage:

xhost local:root

This needs to be called only once. Then, start it from the folder where you put your docker-compose.yml file:

sudo docker-compose up

To check if everything is working properly follow the guide Starting from Docker - Central SP.

Install from Scratch

To install Firos v2:

git clone -b v0.2.0 --recursive https://github.com/iml130/firos.git

Install ROS packages:

sudo apt-get install ros-$ROS_DISTRO-navigation

sudo apt-get install ros-$ROS_DISTRO-gmapping

sudo apt-get install ros-$ROS_DISTRO-teleop-twist-keyboard

Supported $ROS_DISTRO are melodic and kinetic.

Install from SourceCode:

  • put all ROS packages of Sensing and Perception to your src folder of your catkin workspace or create a new one by typing catkin_init_workspace in src folder. Then compile it with catkin_make in one folder up.
cd ..

To check if everything is working properly follow the guide Starting from Scratch.

SP Server Start Guide

In the following, two start options will be described, depending if you installed the source from the docker containers or from scratch.

Starting from Docker - Central SP

Go to the folder where you put your docker-compose.yml file and type:

xhost local:root
sudo docker-compose up

This docker container starts the creation of a topology graph from the given map file and with included annotations from the annotation file. As a default, no map is loaded and the following message will appear in terminal:

sp_1     | please insert a floorplan.png and floorplan.yaml file to begin!
sp_1     | in your docker-compose.yml put under volumes:
sp_1     |             - ./floorplan.yaml:/map.yaml:ro
sp_1     |             - ./floorplan.png:/map.png:ro
opilserver_sp_1 exited with code 0
Setting the map

Two files need to be prepared and put under volumes in docker-compose.yml:

  • floorplan.yaml
  • floorplan.png

Right now in this docker container only PNG file is supported. Export your floorplan layout to PNG. Here is an example of floorplan.png:

PNG floorplan

Then, you need to set up parameters for transforming the PNG file into a map with the origin and dimensions in meters. This needs to be prepared in the floorplan.yaml. Here is an example:

image: map.png
resolution: 0.0196
origin: [-12.7095, -7.5866, 0.0]
negate: 0
occupied_thresh: 0.65
free_thresh: 0.196


  • the image name is map.png by which your floorplan.png is overwritten on the docker side
  • resolution defines the size of the pixel of the png file in meters. To calculate the resolution, you need to know the width of the image in meters. Then, simply divide the width in meters with the width in the number of pixels.
  • negate can inverse the free-occupied values if set to 1
  • occupied_thresh and free_thresh define the thresholds that tell which brightness level should be considered as occupied and free, respectively.
  • origin is the (x,y,z) vector in meters describing the lower-left corner. With (0,0,0) the origin will be in the lower-left corner. If the origin is somewhere inside the map, the origin coordinates will always have negative sign, since they represent the coordinates of the lower-left corner.

The files floorplan.yaml and floorplan.png need to be in the folder where you put your docker-compose.yml. After restarting docker-compose.yml, i.e.,

sudo docker-compose up

this is what should be the result:

topology 2m no annotation

We can see all the red squares representing the occupied vertices in the graph meaning there are no vertices in topology graph. We can also see the output of docker like this:

sp_1         | header: 
sp_1         |   seq: 0
sp_1         |   stamp: 0.000000000
sp_1         |   frame_id: 
sp_1         | annotations[]
sp_1         | 
sp_1         | number of vertices: 0
sp_1         | number of edges: 0

To have topology graph we need to have at least one annotation in the free space. Use the example annotations.ini file and put it in the same folder next to the docker-compose.yml:

# coordinates
point_x = -5.4
point_y = -6.0
theta = 270
distance = 1.8

The result after restarting docker-compose.yml is as follows:

topology 2m

You should see the entities in, e.g. firefox, at the address http://localhost:1026/v2/entities. There should be a topic /map/graph. In this example, blue squares are the vertices of the graph placed regularly in the grid (distanced 2 meters by default), and blue line segments are the edges of the graph. Red squares are possible vertex positions which are occupied or not reachable from the annotation coordinates according to transitions through graph edges. To zoom the rviz window use mouse scroll, to translate the view press shift key and mouse button at the same time.

Setting the topology cell_size

It can be seen that here the topology nodes are too rare and we are missing some of them in narrow passages. In the following we will change the size of the grid cell so that we do not miss topology nodes in the passages between the racks (however, this will be solved differently in future version of OPIL). In this example map the passage is 2.5 m wide, which means the size of the cell size should be half of it to include the worst case of the alignment of passages with the grid. To change the size of the grid cell for calculating the topology, prepare the topology.launch file as follows:

<node name="map_server" pkg="map_server" type="map_server" args="$(find maptogridmap)/launch/map.yaml" respawn="false" >
<param name="frame_id" value="/map" />
<node name="rviz" pkg="rviz" type="rviz" args="-d $(find maptogridmap)/singlerobot.rviz" /> 
<node name="map2gm" pkg="maptogridmap" type="map2gm" required="true" output="screen">
        <param name="cell_size" type="double" value="1.0" />
        <param name="annotation_file" textfile="$(find maptogridmap)/launch/annotations.ini" />
    <!-- Run FIROS -->
    <node name="firos" pkg="firos" type="core.py" />

where the cell_size is set to 1.0 m, while default value, when topology.launch file is not used is 2.0 m. To use the created topology.launch put it next to the docker-compose.yml file and restart docker-compose.yml. This is the result for changing the parameter cell_size to 1.0 m:

topology 1m

Setting the annotations

To use arbitrary annotations you should create annotations.ini file and put it in the same folder next to the docker-compose.yml:

# coordinates
point_x = -5.4
point_y = -6.0
theta = 270
distance = 1.8

# coordinates
point_x = -4.5
point_y = -6.0
theta = 270
distance = 1.8

# coordinates
point_x = -3.6
point_y = -6.0
theta = 270
distance = 1.8

# coordinates
point_x = -6.0
point_y = 10.5
theta = 90
distance = 1.8


  • W1, W2, W3, MoldingPallet are the annotation labels which must be put inside [] and should consist only of a combination of letters, numbers and _ (underscore)
  • point_x, point_y are coordinates of the annotation in meters
  • theta and distance determine where the topology vertex should be so that Task Planner can use this coordinates as the goal distanced for a defined distance (in meters) from the annotation and oriented towards the annotation so that AGV has heading theta (in degrees) with respect to the positive x-axis.

Coordinates of the annotations can be chosen arbitrary. They can be set as the middle of the pallet or the corner of the pallet, for example. The most important is to calculate the right position for the topology vertex, where an AGV will be placed in front of the annotation by setting the right distance, and orientation from the annotation coordinates. It is also important that the topology vertex is not close to obstacle, and that two annotations are not closer than cell_size.

If annotations coordinates, distance and theta are defined such that topology vertex is inside the occupied cell of cell_size, the docker will stop and you will see the message like this:

sp_1         | [ERROR] [1580984773.346147009]: Annotations are occupied!!! Change the coordinates or distance of the annotation or decrease the cell size. Here are the details:
sp_1         | x: -5.4
sp_1         | y: -7
sp_1         | theta: 270
sp_1         | distance: 1.8
sp_1         | name: wh_1
sp_1         | uuid: d0b1e572-a338-570b-97ba-8ed8b1a2e4f0
sp_1         | 
sp_1         | Annotation vertex in the topology graph is at the occupied position (-5.400000,-5.200000) for the cell_size = 0.900000 m. Shutting down...

For the Task Planner it is important that topology vertices are always distanced greater or equal to cell_size. If annotations coordinates, distance and theta are chosen such that their topology vertices are distanced less than cell_size the docker will stop and you will see the message like this:

sp_1         | [ERROR] [1600176862.010453538]: Annotations are too close!!! Change the coordinates of the annotation or decrease the cell size. Here are the details:
sp_1         | converting the map data to gridmap: cell size 1.450000, res=0.019600, width=1500, height=1080, xorigin=-12.885400, yorigin=-7.488800, size gridmap (20,14)
sp_1         | The annotation wh_2 is too close to the annotation wh_1
sp_1         | x: -4.5
sp_1         | y: -6
sp_1         | theta: 270
sp_1         | distance: 1.8
sp_1         | name: wh_2
sp_1         | uuid: f5d5d1d9-c8d2-5ff7-97af-8d1234eda8f8
sp_1         | 
sp_1         | x: -5.4
sp_1         | y: -6
sp_1         | theta: 270
sp_1         | distance: 1.8
sp_1         | name: wh_1
sp_1         | uuid: d0b1e572-a338-570b-97ba-8ed8b1a2e4f0
sp_1         | 
sp_1         | The annotation wh_2 has the topology vertex at (-4.5, -4.2 ), which is closer than the cell_size 1.45 of the topology vertex at (-5.4, -4.2 ) of the annotation wh_1
sp_1         | shutting down the topology calculation...

OCB can not handle some special characters as the names of entities, and since the annotation labels are used in Task Planner it is necessary check if each label contains allowed characters which are only letters, numbers and underscore. Do not use any character from the list of illegal characters: <>"'=;()+-* /#$&,.!:?@[]^`{|}~. If, for example, the annotation label contains space the Central SP will shut down with the message like this:

sp_1         | [ERROR] [1602498794.277414318]: Annotation name contains an illegal character. Here are the details:
sp_1         | The annotation name "pickup V_120_1" contains the illegal character " ".
sp_1         | Please name annotations only with a combination of letters, numbers and _ (underscore).
sp_1         | Do not use any character from the list of illegal characters: 
sp_1         | <>"'=;()+-* /#$&,.!:?@[]^`{|}~
sp_1         | shutting down the topology calculation...

After restarting docker-compose.yml, the valid result should be as in this figure:

topology with annotations

Four annotations are in this example, which change the coordinates of vertices where the AGV needs to be located to perform some operation, e.g., loading/unloading.

How to start the Local and Central SP docker containers together

Prepare a following docker-compose.yml to start both Central and Local SP. This example uses the same machine for Local and Central SP, but you can also start them on different machines. This example uses the Local SP that contains the Stage simulator. Check how to prepare the Local SP here

version: "3"
        image: mongo:3.6
        command: --nojournal

    ### Proxy for Context Broker ###
        image: fiware/ngsiproxy:latest
            - 3000:3000

    ### Context Broker ###
        image: fiware/orion:2.3.0
            - mongo
            - ngsiproxy
            - 1026:1026
            -dbhost mongo -corsOrigin __ALL -inReqPayloadMaxSize 2097152
        restart: always
        image: docker.ramp.eu/opil/opil.sw.sp.central:3.1.3
            #- path on the host : path inside the container
            - /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix:rw
            #- path on the host : path inside the container
            - /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix:rw
            - ./annotations.ini:/annotations.ini:ro
            - ./floorplan.yaml:/map.yaml:ro
            - ./floorplan.png:/map.png:ro
            - ./topology.launch:/topology.launch:ro
            - FIWAREHOST=orion
            - HOST=sp
            - DISPLAY=$DISPLAY
            - "39002:39002"
        restart: always
        image: docker.ramp.eu/opil/opil.iot.sp.local:3.1.0
            #- path on the host : path inside the container
            - /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix:rw
            - ./floorplan.yaml:/map.yaml:ro
            - ./floorplan.png:/map.png:ro
            - ./amcl.launch:/amcl_map.launch:ro
            - ./floorplan.world:/map.world:ro
            - ./local_robot_sim.launch:/local_robot_sim.launch:ro
            - FIWAREHOST=orion
            - HOST=splocal
            - DISPLAY=$DISPLAY
            - SIMULATION=true
            - "39003:39003"

The following figure presents the output after moving the green box in the Stage simulator: Local and central SP

One rviz window is from the Local SP, where you can see the AGV's pose (red arrow) and the local updates (red tiny squares). Another rviz window is from the Central SP, where you can see the updates of the topology and new obstacles presented with blue tiny squares showing only the current position of the new obstacle. Vertices at the position of a new obstacles are removed from the topology (blue squares become red, and connections are removed). All new obstacles are processed as they are received so only new ones are sent. That is the reason why in the Local SP you can see a trail of the obstacle, while in the Central SP there is no fine obstacle trail but only the topology nodes changes.

Starting from Scratch

In this quick guide, everything will be started on the same computer where you installed ROS and this source code. For advanced configuration of starting at different computers check Interfaces.

  • Start the map by launching the map_server package:
terminal 1: roslaunch maptogridmap startmapserver.launch

You can also prepare your own simulation following the guide for preparing the map with slight difference pointed out here.

Create or edit the following files in the specified paths:

  • maptogridmap/launch/floorplan.yaml
  • maptogridmap/launch/floorplan.png
  • maptogridmap/launch/startmapserver.launch
  • maptogridmap/launch/startmaptogridmap.launch
  • maptogridmap/launch/annotations.ini


image: floorplan.png
resolution: 0.0196
origin: [-12.7095, -7.5866, 0.0]
negate: 0
occupied_thresh: 0.65
free_thresh: 0.196

Note that in contrast to previously defined map files, here the image needs to point to the created floorplan.png. PGM files are also supported!

startmapserver.launch needs to have the right path to the created map files:

<node name="map_server" pkg="map_server" type="map_server" args="$(find maptogridmap)/launch/floorplan.yaml" respawn="false" >
<param name="frame_id" value="/map" />

<node name="rviz" pkg="rviz" type="rviz" args="-d $(find maptogridmap)/singlerobot.rviz" /> 


Edit the annotation.ini file as explained in Section Setting the annotations.

  • Start the topology calculation:
terminal 2: roslaunch maptogridmap startmaptogridmap.launch

The result should be the started rviz with the map and topology with annotations as presented here: IML topology You can check the created topology in the topic graph by typing:

rostopic echo /map/graph

You can change the resolution of the global gridmap and topology (the distance between the nodes) by checking the Section Topology.

To test if entities are sent to OCB, prepare the following docker-compose.yml on the machine where you want to have the OPIL server:

version: "3"
        image: mongo:3.6
        command: --nojournal

    ### Proxy for Context Broker ###
        image: fiware/ngsiproxy:latest
            - 3000:3000

    ### Context Broker ###
        image: fiware/orion:2.3.0
            - mongo
            - ngsiproxy
            - 1026:1026
            -dbhost mongo -corsOrigin __ALL -inReqPayloadMaxSize 2097152

To test sending topology to OCB put in firos/config all json files described in Interfaces for Central SP. Set the right IP addresses for your machine (endpoint), OPIL server (contextbroker) in firos/config/config.json. This example uses the local configuration:

  "environment": "fof_lab",

  "fof_lab": {
    "server": {
        "port"      : 10103
    "contextbroker": {
        "address"   : "",
        "port"      : 1026,
        "subscription": {
          "throttling": 0,
          "subscription_length": 300,
          "subscription_refresh_delay": 0.5
    "endpoint": {
      "address": "",
      "port": 39002
    "log_level": "INFO"

Run firos in a new terminal and check entities in a web browser at the address http://OPIL_SERVER_IP:1026/v2/entities.

terminal 5: rosrun firos core.py 

You can also start a single launch file which starts map_server, topology creation, and firos (this file is used in a docker container of Central SP):

roslaunch maptogridmap topology.launch

For more examples on sending and receiving these topics through OCB check the Section Examples.


There is currently no deinstallation how-to. Simply remove all unused docker images and remove the source code.


This is the first appearance of SP module so there is no upgrade procedure.

Deprecated Features

Deprecated features are features that Central SP still supports but that are not maintained or evolved any longer, or will be used in the future. In particular:

Firos v1 did not allow arrays of custom ROS messages

The topology is composed of nodes and edges. Since Firos is not supporting arrays of custom ROS messages it is divided into two ROS messages: nodes and edges.


Header header   # standard ROS header
nav_msgs/MapMetaData info   # number of cells in x and y directions of the gridmap, the size of the cell
float64[] x # x coordinate of the cell centre
float64[] y # y coordinate of the cell centre
float64[] theta # orientation of the node used for annotations
string[] name   # e.g. vertex_0 or annotation name
string[] uuid   # unique id of a node


Header header   # standard ROS header 
string[] uuid_src   # unique id of a source node of the edge
string[] uuid_dest  # unique id of a destination node of the edge
string[] name   # e.g. edge_0_1
string[] uuid   # unique id of an edge

Sending larger data on demand - a service mockup

Since there is no service call supported yet in Firos, topic do_serve is used as a service mockup. On another machine that wants to obtain the data, on topic do_serve needs to be sent value "true" or 1. Large data are a) map topic created with map_server from PNG or PGM file and b) gridmap topic created from the map by resampling to cells of size given by the parameter cell_size.

Testing sending map topic on request on machine_1:

Remark: only a small map can be tested here around 10m x 7m - Andamapa.yaml. To test the sending of map topic the mux_topicsmap.py program needs to be started which sends the map on the whitelisted topic only when master requests. Start all these steps:

terminal 1: roslaunch maptogridmap startmapserver.launch
terminal 2: roslaunch maptogridmap startmaptogridmap.launch
terminal 3: rosrun firos core.py (put in firos/config all json files from OPIL/config_files/machine_1)

(the next two steps are optional, e.g., it will work without terminal 4 and 5)

terminal 4: roslaunch lam_simulator AndaOmnidriveamcltestZagrebdemo.launch
terminal 5: rosrun sensing_and_perception pubPoseWithCovariance
terminal 6: rosrun maptogridmap mux_topicsmap.py
terminal 7: rostopic pub /map/do_serve std_msgs/Bool '{data: 1}'

Refresh firefox on http://OPIL_SERVER_IP:1026/v2/entities. There should be under id "map" the topic "realmap".

Testing sending gridmap topic on request:

To test the sending of gridmap topic the mux_topics.py program needs to be started which sends the gridmap on the whitelisted topic only when master requests. Start all previous steps (terminal 1, ..., terminal 7), but it works with starting only terminals 1,2,3.

terminal 8: rosrun maptogridmap mux_topics.py
terminal 9: rostopic pub /map/do_serve std_msgs/Bool '{data: 1}'

Refresh firefox on http://OPIL_SERVER_IP:1026/v2/entities. There should be under id "map" the topic "realtopology".

Testing if topics are received on machine 2 through firos
terminal 1: roscore
terminal 2: rosrun firos core.py (put in firos/config all json files from OPIL/config_files/machine_2)

maptogridmap package needs to be on the machine_2 - it is not important that the source code is in there but only that msg files and CMakeLists.txt compiling them are there. Now you are able to echo these ros topics:

rostopic echo /map/realtopology (if test sending gridmap is on)
rostopic echo /map/realmap (if test sending map is on)