
Welcome to Module's Installation & Administration Guide!

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The "Software system" layer represents the highest level of OPIL where all the services that this platform provides to the end users are logically grouped by design. This level is made of three main modules. Task Planner is one of the three OPIL Components and Functional blocks which this 3rd Layer is made of. Regarding the OPIL architecture, this node consists of three different sub-modules. Firstly, the Task Supervisor monitors the execution of the task dispatched to the agents (Robots). Secondly, the Motion Task Planning plans the motion tasks for the robot agents. Lastly, the Business Process Optimization functional block decides and optimizes the tasks to be dispatched to the different agents (not included in v3.x of Opil). Task Planner makes it possible for the different components to communicate with each other and be composed into full-fledged logistic system in a manufacturing environment.


The submodule Motion Task Planner (MTP) of the Task Planner (TP) is a software module as part of OPIL (Open Platform for Innovation in Logistics). The MTP modules creates/computes a motion task plan for the involved agents. This motion task provides a deadlock-free, optimal or near optimal path without loops and collision. Beyond this path computation the Motion Task Planning component handles the communication with the Agents. The MOD.SW.TP Motion Task Planning receives the start and end destinations of the appropriate Robot/ Human Agent Nodes. It computes the best, shortest and/or fastest path for the navigation and it handles the communication with the Robotic Agent Nodes (MOD.SW.RAN). Moreover, it is aware about the state, like current pose, current task, of the agents nodes.


The Task Supervisor (TS) module receives task specification from the HMI Module in an appropriate formal language and parameterized task specification. The TS process the received task information and assigns transport order to the available Robots. The Task Supervisor is also able to send the current state information to the HMI. Any changes inside the system will be handled through this sub-module.


The module can be found in the following address:!taglist/opil/

How to start the TP docker container

This docker container starts the TP which receives the created graph of SP via orion.

To start a docker container prepare a docker-compose.yml following this example for the local machine:

    image: ""
      - "ROS_MASTER_URI="
      - ./ts_fiware_config.ini:/catkin_ws/src/tasksupervisor/fiware_config.ini 
      - "2906:2906" 
    image: ""
      - "ROS_MASTER_URI=http://localhost:11311"
      - /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix:rw
      - ./mod_sw_tp.launch:/catkin_ws/src/mod_sw_tp/launch/mod_sw_tp.launch 
      - ./firos_robots.json:/catkin_ws/src/firos/config/robots.json
      - ./firos_whitelist.json:/catkin_ws/src/firos/config/whitelist.json
      - ./firos_config.json:/catkin_ws/src/firos/config/config.json
      - "11311:11311"
      - "39001:39001"

version: "3.5"

Before you can start the docker container, some configuration files must be created. Create this files beside your docker-compose.yml

- firos_config.json
- firos_robots.json
- firos_whitelist.json
- mod_sw_tp.launch
- ts_fiware_config.ini
touch firos_config.json firos_robots.json firos_whitelist.json mod_sw_tp.launch ts_fiware_config.ini

A detailed description of this files is given in the subsequent sections.

To start the container from the folder where you put your docker-compose.yml file execute the following commands:

xhost local:root
docker-compose up

After you started it a window opens where you can see the graph. It takes some time until the whole graph is ready. If no edges or vertices are longer added to the graph TP is ready to use.

In windows OS you need to open command prompt and type docker-compose up from the folder where you saved docker-compose.yml. The display in windows OS does not work, so you will not be able to see visualizations of topic exchange in rviz, but you can see subscriptions and entities in a web browser.

Configuration of Firos

The communication with RAN and SP through orion is realized via firos. For subscribing to the right topics on ROS site and subscribing to the right entities on orion site, firos needs to be configured. Therefore three different configurations are needed. Create the following empty files beside the above created docker-compose.yml.

- firos_config.json
- firos_robots.json
- firos_whitelist.json

A detailed description of firos is given here:


The config.json describes the local and remote connection to the orion context broker. For a detailed description follow these instructions:

Copy this content to firos_config.json (preconfigured for RAN and TP v3.0.0-alpha):

  "environment": "docker",

  "docker": {
    "server": {
        "port"      : 10102
    "contextbroker": {
        "address"   : "<orion address>",
        "port"      : 1026,
        "subscription": {
          "throttling": 0,
          "subscription_length": 300,
          "subscription_refresh_delay": 0.5
    "endpoint": {
      "address": "<local network address>",
      "port": 39001
    "log_level": "INFO"

The robots.json subscribe to the topic of /map/graph which is provided by SP to generate the graph for the routing. In version 3.0.0-alpha only one robot is preconfigured. The data for the robot is published to following topics:

- /robot_opil_v2/motion_assignment
- /robot_opil_v2/action_assignment
- /robot_opil_v2/cancel_order

The following topics are subscribed from RAN:

- /robot_opil_v2/current_motion
- /robot_opil_v2/robot_description

If you add more robots to the system you have to add the topics with the namespace here. The namespace is given by the RAN and has to be used. For a detailed description of how to setup the robots.json follow this instructions:

The following naming convention should be used:

E.g.: /opil/iot/ran_fb3d75a1a82550ffb3e6e4b2bcae482e (uuid v5 for "robot_0")

Copy this content to firos_robots.json (preconfigured for RAN and TP v3.0.0-alpha):

    "map": {
        "topics": {
            "graph": {
                "msg": "maptogridmap.msg.Graph",
                "type": "publisher"
    "robot_opil_v2": {
        "topics": {
            "current_motion": {
                "msg": "mars_agent_physical_robot_msgs.msg.Motion",
                "type": "publisher"
            "robot_description": {
                "msg": "mars_agent_physical_robot_msgs.msg.RobotAgentProperties",
                "type": "publisher"
            "cancel_order": {
                "msg": "mars_agent_physical_robot_msgs.msg.CancelTask",
                "type": "subscriber"
            "motion_assignment": {
                "msg": "mars_agent_physical_robot_msgs.msg.MotionAssignment",
                "type": "subscriber"
            "action_assignment": {
                "msg": "mars_agent_physical_robot_msgs.msg.ActionAssignment",
                "type": "subscriber"

The whitelist.json is needed by firos to subscribe to the topics described in the robots.json. All topics from the robots.json must be listed here. For a more detailed description follow this instructions:

Copy this content to firos_whitelist.json (preconfigured for RAN and TP v3.0.0-alpha):

    "map": {
        "publisher": [
        "subscriber": []
    "robot_opil_v2": {
        "publisher": [
        "subscriber": [

Configuration of MTP

The MTP consist of three different modules: Topology, Router and Logical Agents. The topology is started by a module called mars_topology_launcher which listens to the topic /map/graph which is provided by SP. After a map is received, the topology is started automatically by the module. Subsequently the TP is ready to use.

The whole configuration file is listed below (mod_sw_tp.launch, preconfigured for RAN and TP v3.0.0-alpha):


  <node pkg="tf2_ros" type="static_transform_publisher" name="link1_broadcaster" args="0 0 0 0 0 0 1 world map" />

  <!--  ****** Topology *****  -->
  <include file="$(find mars_topology_launcher)/launch/mars_topology_launcher_generic.launch">
    <arg name="log_level" value="info" />
    <arg name="topo_file_type" value="opil_sp" />
    <arg name="mars_vertex_footprint_radius" value="0.95" />

  <!-- ****** Router ***** -->
  <include file="$(find mars_routing_base)/launch/mars_routing_base.launch" />

  <!-- ****** Logical Agent (robot_0) ***** -->
  <include file="$(find mars_agent_logical_agv)/launch/mars_agent_logical_agv.launch">
    <arg name="physical_robot_namespace" value=""/>
    <arg name="robot_name" value="robot_opil_v2" />
    <arg name="physical_agent_id" value="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001" />
    <arg name="physical_agent_description" value="robot_0" />
    <arg name="current_topology_entity_id" value="0a8b9081-d84c-5660-909c-134d55bf4966" />
    <!-- p0 -->
    <arg name="node_name" value="ran_00000000000000000000000000000001" />

  <!-- ****** Firos ***** -->
  <node name="firos" pkg="firos" type=""/>

  <node type="rviz" name="rviz" pkg="rviz" args="-d $(find mod_sw_tp)/rviz/config.rviz" />


Following you find a more detailed description of the launch file and the parameter.


Following you can see the configuration for the topology launcher module:

  <!--  ****** Topology *****  -->
  <include file="$(find mars_topology_launcher)/launch/mars_topology_launcher_generic.launch">
    <arg name="log_level" value="info" /> <!--log levels: debug, info, warn, error -->
    <arg name="topo_file_type" value="opil_sp" /> <!-- don't change this line -->
    <arg name="mars_vertex_footprint_radius" value="0.95" /> <!-- IMPORTANT: This value must be smaller (mars_vertex_footprint_radius < cell_size) then the cell_size of SP!-->

The log level for starting the topology can be set with the following command. Possible values are: debug, info, warn, error

<arg name="log_level" value="info" />

The topo_file_type parameter tells the program which kind of topology is expected. DON'T CHANGE THIS LINE!

<arg name="topo_file_type" value="opil_sp" /> 

The mars_vertex_footprint_radius describes the size of the bounding box which is created by the topology launcher around each vertex. Important: This value must be smaller (mars_vertex_footprint_radius < cell_size) then the cell_size of SP! Value is in meter.

<arg name="mars_vertex_footprint_radius" value="0.95" />

The Routing module which calculates the path for each robot can be started without any additional configuration.

  <!-- ****** Router ***** -->
  <include file="$(find mars_routing_base)/launch/mars_routing_base.launch" />
Logical Agent(s)

Each RAN of the system is represented by a logical agent. The logical agents manages the high level tasks, like receiving and managing transport orders from the TS. For version 3.0.0-aplha, one AGV is preconfigured.

  <!-- ****** Logical Agent (robot_0) ***** -->
  <include file="$(find mars_agent_logical_agv)/launch/mars_agent_logical_agv.launch">
    <arg name="robot_name" value="robot_opil_v2" />
    <arg name="physical_agent_id" value="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001" />
    <arg name="physical_agent_description" value="robot_0" />
    <arg name="current_topology_entity_id" value="e53201ce-c3e3-53ed-b3df-daf27fcbb8e9" />
    <!-- Parking spot: P0 -->
    <arg name="parking_spot_entity_id" default="e53201ce-c3e3-53ed-b3df-daf27fcbb8e9" />
    <arg name="parking_spot_entity_type" default="10" />

    <!-- ZFT hall rb1 setup -->
    <arg name="node_name" value="ran_00000000000000000000000000000001" />
    <arg name="physical_robot_namespace" value=""/>

The parameter physical_robot_namespace configures the namespace used by the ran. For e.g.: /opil/iot/ (In v3.0.0-alpha no namespace is configured)

<arg name="physical_robot_namespace" value=""/>

Name of the robot. Used to subscribe to the right robot topics. Layout of the topic structure: /physical_robot_namespace/robot_name/topics

<arg name="robot_name" value="robot_opil_v2" />

UUID of the physical agent. Id can be created randomly (UUID v4) or from a name (UUID v5). Important: The ID must be unique! For more information about UUID visit:

<arg name="physical_agent_id" value="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001" />

Human readable name of the robot.

<arg name="physical_agent_description" value="robot_0" />

ID of the current node or edge on which the robot is located. Node end edge names are generated by SP. To translate a node oder edge name into a uuid, use UUID v5.

<arg name="current_topology_entity_id" value="0a8b9081-d84c-5660-909c-134d55bf4966" />

Name of the node. Topics and service are published as followed: /namespace/node_name/topic|service

<arg name="node_name" value="ran_00000000000000000000000000000001" />

ID of the node where the robot goes parking. A robot drives to this location if it doesn't receive a new order.

<arg name="parking_spot_entity_id" default="e53201ce-c3e3-53ed-b3df-daf27fcbb8e9" />

Type of the parking node. Currently not used.

<arg name="parking_spot_entity_type" default="10" />

Configuration of TS

Following the configuration of the TS (ts_fiware_config.ini):

host =

host = 
PORT = 2906 


# These ids needs to be comma seperated, currently only robot 1 is used: ran_00000000000000000000000000000001 with 'Misc' capabilities and name 'MSM_Sim'
# AGV 92990e07d46e5c62a00e6976071a358d and 67a4f54b8ed959e295a4f8da11045dca are only examples
ids = ran_00000000000000000000000000000001, 92990e07d46e5c62a00e6976071a358d, 67a4f54b8ed959e295a4f8da11045dca
# Capabilities can be self defined in TL under Location -> Type
# E.g.: 
# Location dropoffItem
#     name = "ws1_dropoff"
#     type = "SmallLoadCarrier"
# end
types = SmallLoadCarrier, Misc, OtherCapability
# Names of the robots
names = MSM_Sim, emili, robotinik

Example task for the ran docker simulation:

Location pickupItem
    name = "pickup"
    type = "SmallLoadCarrier"

Location dropoffItem
    name = "dropoff"
    type = "SmallLoadCarrier"

Event callAgv
    name = "virtualSensorCallAgv"
    type = "Boolean"

Event s1Loaded
    name = "virtualSensorAgvS1Loaded1"
    type = "Boolean"

Event s2Unloaded
    name = "virtualSensorAgvS2Unloaded"
    type = "Boolean"

TransportOrderStep s1
    Location pickupItem  # Only one Location can be defined!
    FinishedBy s1Loaded == True 

TransportOrderStep s2
    Location dropoffItem
    FinishedBy s2Unloaded == True

task SupplyTaskFromS1ToS2
    # Transport Order now needs TransportOrderSteps instead of regular instances
    TriggeredBy callAgv == True
    from s1
    to s2